Monday, April 20, 2015

Get Your New Year's Resolution Back on Track. Even though you are more than 12 weeks into the New Year — have your health resolutions vanished like the post-countdown confetti? The good news: The year is still young! Don’t get discouraged or give up because you’ve let your New Year’s Resolutions slip. It’s never too late to get back on track and motivate yourself to change. Let go of the bad habits holding you back and instead, focus on small changes to make a big difference. If you follow these tips, you’ll find it’s easy to start your fitness journey and achieve your goals.
Think Ahead and Be Prepared
Preparation is key when adopting a new lifestyle and forming healthy habits. Start each week by stocking up on healthy meal ingredients and wholesome snacks. If you live a busy life, prep and package your meals for the entire week ahead of time so you never have a reason to hit the drive-through. Devote a drawer at work to healthy snacks, keeping nuts and fresh fruits and veggies on hand for afternoon cravings. Each night before bed, pack your gym bag and set it by the door or put in your car, so you have no excuses to skip your workout.
Look the Part
Fake it ‘till you make it: You’ll feel more confident if you look the part. Treat yourself to some new workout clothes, so you can head to the gym in style. Visit a specialty store to get fitted for gym shoes that are a good match for your activity level and natural movement. Wireless headphones are a must-have to pump up your workout without the tangle of cords.
Make a Date with Fitness
Scheduling your workouts will hold you accountable and ensure that you’ve carved out time in your day for fitness. Every Sunday, take a few minutes to write out your fitness agenda for the week. Review fitness class schedules if you need the support of a studio to make note of classes you plan to attend. Make a date to meet up with a friend at the gym. Schedule personal training appointments. It’s easy to stay on track when you have a plan.
Find Inspiration and Visualize Your Goals
Seeing before and after body transformations can inspire you to achieve a success story of your own. When you’re feeling discouraged, read testimonials of others who have been in your shoes and triumphed. Collect photos that inspire you and create a vision board that represents your goals. Keep it in a place where you’ll see it often — your bathroom, your kitchen, your closet — and you’ll constantly be reminded of your resolutions.
Then just take it one step and one day at a time... before long your New Years resolution will be a NEW YOU habit!

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