Saturday, August 29, 2015

YOU CAN & SHOULD ASK FOR HELP........... when starting a fitness routine!

#AProperFitnessRoutine #HowTo #WhenTo #WhyTo  #WhatToDoToBeSuccessful #AskingForHelpIsAlwaysGood #HereAreSomeGreatAnswers #StartSomewhere #NuYuRevolution

Friday, August 28, 2015

Find Strength & Balance While Having A Ball

#PhysioballWorkouts #FindBalance #CoreStrength #BackStrength #SpinSupport #HaveABall #SoManyBenefits #NuYuRevolution

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Natural Option For Anti Inflammatory Meds

Alternative Choice To Over The Counter Anti Inflammatory Meds 
#PineappleIsAnAntiInflammatory #Bromelain #ForTheReliefOfPain #SinusPressure #GoodForDigestion #CoolFacts #NuYuRevolution 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Every Sized Living Body Is A Work of Art

“If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it—through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated.” 
#LoveYou #CelebrateYou #TreatYourselfWithRespect #NuYuRevolution

Monday, August 24, 2015

Choosing To Be Happy Is An Option!

“The commencement of true happiness is the realization that your happiness begins with you.”
#KeepOnKeepingOn #LifeIsABlessing #EnjoyTheRide #StayHealthy #Happy #FullOfPositivity #ItIsUpToYou #StayStrong #Smile #NuYuRevolution

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Role Modeling For Our Next Generations

#HealthyRoleModeling #GenerationToGeneration #TeachYourChildrenByDoing #Exercise #HealthyLifestyle #HealthyMentality #NuYuRevolution

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Benefits Of Lives Being Touched By Music


#‎MusicForTheSoul‬ ‪#‎EnhancesLives‬ ‪#‎Energizes‬ ‪#‎Calms‬ ‪#‎RelievesSymptomsOfDepression‬ ‪#‎GetMusic‬ ‪#‎NuYuRevolution‬

20 Surprising, Science-Backed Health Benefits of Music - By Scott Christ

"One good thing about music, is when it hits you, you feel no pain."

Judging from the quote above, Bob Marley was part poet, part scientist. That’s because there’s truth to his head-bobbing lyrics from the song Trenchtown Rock. Research suggests that music not only helps us cope with pain — it can also benefit our physical and mental health in numerous other ways. Read on to learn how listening to tunes can ramp up your health.


Help Physically:
1. Ease pain. Music can meaningfully reduce the perceived intensity of pain, especially in geriatric care, intensive care, or palliative medicine (an area of healthcare that focuses on preventing and relieving the suffering of patients)  .

2. Motivate people to bike harder. A study of healthy male college students found that, while riding stationary bicycles, the participants worked harder while listening to fast music  . Extra bonus: They also enjoyed the music more.

3. Improve running motivation and performance. Here’s an easy way to beat your best time if you’re a runner: Listen to your favorite “pump-up” music. Listening to music may help people run faster, boost their workout motivation, and enhance their endurance  .

4. Increase workout endurance. Listening to those top workout tracks can boost physical performance and increase endurance during a tough exercise session  . This works partly through the power of distraction: When we're focusing on a favorite album, we may not notice that we just ran an extra mile.

5. Speed up post-workout recovery. One study found that listening to music after a workout can help the body recover faster  . While slow music produced a greater relaxation effect post-exercise, it seems that any kind of music can help the physical recovery process.

6. Improve sleep quality. Listening to classical music has been shown to effectively treat insomnia in college students, making it a safe, cheap alternative to sleep-inducing meds  .

7. Help people eat less. One study found that playing soft music (and dimming the lights) during a meal can help people slow down while eating and ultimately consume less food in one sitting (perhaps because slowing down helps them to be more mindful of fullness cues)  .

8. Enhance blood vessel function. Scientists have found that the emotions patients experience while listening to music have a healthy effect on blood vessel function. Music both made study participants feel happier and resulted in increased blood flow in their blood vessels.

Help Mentally:
9. Reduce stress. Research has found that listening to music can relieve stress by triggering biochemical stress reducers (think of these physiological processes as anti-stress ninjas)  .

10. Induce a meditative state. Listening to slow musical beats can alter brainwave speed, creating brainwave activity similar to when a person is meditating or in a hypnotic state. Some research suggests that using rhythmic stimuli (such as music) to induce these states can have a therapeutic effect, easing symptoms of migraines, PMS, and even behavioral issues  .

11. Relieve symptoms of depression. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, music can help pick you up (much like exercise)  . Research suggests the kind of music matters: Classical and meditative sounds seem to be particularly uplifting, whereas heavy metal and techno can actually make depressive symptoms worse.

12. Elevate mood. A 2013 study found that music helped put people in a better mood and get in touch with their feelings  . Study participants rated “arousal and mood regulation” and “self-awareness” as the two most important benefits of listening to music.

13. Improve cognitive performance. Background music may enhance performance on cognitive tasks  . One older study found that listening to music allowed test takers to complete more questions in the time allotted, and get more answers right  . More recent research suggests that whether or not music improves cognitive function depends on whether the music first improves a person’s emotional state.

14. Help people perform better in high-pressure situations. Want to sink the game-winning shot when the pressure’s on? Listen to some upbeat tunes before the big game. One study found that basketball players prone to performing poorly under pressure during games were significantly better during high-pressure free-throw shooting if they first listened to catchy, upbeat music and lyrics.

15. Reduce anxiety as much as a massage. One study found that music’s effect on anxiety levels is similar to the effect of getting a massage  . Here’s an idea: Treat yourself to a massage and bring your favorite chilled out tunes to play during the session. Double the relaxation!

16. Relax patients before surgery. One study found that listening to music helped put cardiovascular surgery patients at ease as they awaited their operations  . That’s a major benefit for the nearly four million people who get heart surgery each year in the U.S.

17. Ease stress after surgery. Music isn’t only helpful pre-surgery. Another study revealed that listening to music while resting in bed after open heart surgery helped relax patients and decrease their stress levels.

18. Elevate mood while driving. Listening to music while driving can positively impact mood  . So when you’re feeling cranky in the car, try cranking some of your favorite tunes.

19. Help cancer patients manage stress and anxiety. Music has been found to help cancer patients communicate their feelings, manage stress, and ease physical pain and discomfort  . It can also reduce anxiety and improve their quality of life  .

20. Ease recovery in stroke patients. Researchers in Finland concluded that when stroke patients listened to music for two hours a day, their verbal memory and attention improved and they had a more positive mood compared to patients who didn’t listen to music or who listened to audio books  .

Regardless of your taste in music, it’s clear that tunes benefit our health. The best part? Now you have an excuse for blaring Beethoven while your roommate is trying to study.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Doing A Proper Plank

#PlankProperly #StrengthenYourPosture #DoItRight #DoNotMeasureTime #ItIsAboutProperExecution #BeSmart #BeStrong #BiomechanicallySound #NuYuRevolution
Kumbhakasana is an important foundational pose in yoga that will help you flow effortlessly into most yoga asanas while strengthening your arms, shoulders, back, and core.
--Talk to your doctor before you begin any yoga practice to make    sure you’re healthy enough to practice.
--Be careful practicing plank pose if you have any back, abdominal, or shoulder injuries.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Why We Need To Chill

#AvoidStress #YouMustFindaWay #PeaceIsHowYouStayHealthy #EverythingWillWorkout #HaveFaith #Relax #NuYuRevolution

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Body Size, It's All Good!

#Slim #Voluptuous #Lanky #Compact #Lean #Soft #ItIsAllGood #BeBeautifulNoMatterWhoYouAre #YouGetToPickHowYouSeeYou 
#SeeTheWonder #WeAllRock #NuYuRevolution
“There's Beauty in the World” And It Comes in All Shapes & Sizes...
~By Ilene Leshinsky

A couple of things happened this past August that made me wonder about beauty and what it means to be beautiful.

At the beginning of the month, I went to a fancy schmantzy family wedding in Newport, Rhode Island. There were people there I had not seen in decades. (That’s what happens when you move to North Country!) It was a bit unsettling at first as some people remarked how I looked the same and others, how different I looked from the last time we had seen each other. Some knew me as smaller and some as larger. I watched myself reflected in their eyes, and after a few deep breaths, I was okay.

The band was fabulous, with a great brass section so my husband and I danced the night away. Since I’m a pretty good multi-tasker, I watched the wedding guests move their bodies, while I was moving mine. From very young to very old, people were out on the dance floor having a blast. Short bodies, tall bodies, round ones and lean, we were all groovin’ to the music. It was beautiful to watch. And if some were self-conscious about their size, weight, or shape, I couldn’t tell.

You put a bunch of families in the same room and you find similarities and anomalies. One branch of my family is tall and lean. Another one, the one I’m from, tends toward shorter and rounder. (And then there’s my younger sister who is nine inches taller than I am!) All of us were decked out in our evening attire - and beautiful.

Also in August, we adopted a dog from the Adirondack Humane Society. Our Sophie died in January of this year and I have been so missing doggie love and kisses. So after, more than a few visits to the shelter, Roxie is now a part of our family.

What struck me during the selection process was the wide variety of breeds, mixed breeds, shapes, sizes, and weights of the residents. One might say a microcosm of the dog world – and of our own. Now I can’t know for sure, but I don’t think any of the dogs, including Roxie, have low self-esteem because of her/ his weight, size, or shape. And… I’m pretty sure that many dogs have been adopted over the years that do not look like supermodels.

The point? We can be so accepting that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes in the natural world, in animals, plants, trees, and shrubs. But oh how difficult it is for us to accept that our bodies – women’s bodies – come in all shapes and sizes – and are beautiful!

I know this is so hard. I know this is such a challenge. But can we stop comparing ourselves to other women? Can we stop fantasizing that their lives are better, happier than ours because their thighs are thinner or their abs are flatter? Let’s put the focus where it belongs – for each of us – on creating a life worth living. And in that life we are strong, healthy, creative and wonderful women. We take as good care of ourselves as we do the others in our lives. And because of that, we are beautiful!

As the song by Macy Gray goes, “There is beauty in the world. So much beauty in the world. Always beauty in the world. So much beauty in the world.” We are part of that beauty. We come in all shapes and sizes. And yes, we are beautiful!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Death To The Scale

#ThrowAwayYourEvilScale #KeepItReal #ListenToYourBodyCues #IfYouHaveSilencedYourInnerVoice #LearnToListenOnceAgain #YouDidAsAChild #LoveYourBodyWithFitness #YouWillPrevail #NuYuRevolution


Friday, August 14, 2015

Progress Not Perfection

#ProgressNotPerfection #LightenUp #KeepMovingForward #YouWillGetThere #Love #Forgiveness #Faith #Appreciation #KnowYourWorth #NuYuRevolution
Shoot for Progress, Not Perfection

By Pamela Peeke, MD
As I entered the office last week, I saw my patient sitting there, head down, eyes averting mine, slouching with the posture of a defeated woman. At long last, she looked up, wiped back tears, sighed, and in a hushed and hopeless voice, said “Dr. Peeke, over the past week I tried my best, but I’m so frustrated because I wasn’t perfect.” Arrrgh! There’s that “P” word again. I smiled warmly and told her that was never the point. “Progress,” I exclaimed exuberantly, “is the goal.” In reality, she’d been doing really well, already having removed 30 pounds. She was tough on herself when she couldn’t hit the gym and her eating was a bit off due to extensive travel. It’s incredible how fast people forget their achievements with just one challenging week. That’s what striving for perfection does to you.

I’m convinced that if you’ve ever owned a pair of ovaries, you’ve got some level of perfectionism in your DNA. Men are quicker to compromise and navigate life’s obstacle courses. They rarely ever say mean and rotten things about themselves as they encounter tough times along their healthy lifestyle journey. Instead, they usually blow off days when they haven’t been stellar and just regroup again and again. Women, on the other hand, make aiming for perfection a second career.

Webster’s notes that perfectionism is “a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable.” Perfect means “being entirely without fault or defect, or flawless like a perfect diamond.” In 2001, at the White House, I had the pleasure of meeting Nadia Comaneci, the great Romanian gymnast who, at the age of 14, made history by achieving a perfect score at the 1976 Summer Olympics. As we were sitting together viewing a new documentary on women in sports, I decided to play with her a bit and commented, “It must have felt great to be perfect”. I knew that would provoke her to say something amazing, which she did. I’ll never forget her reply. “My scores were perfect because they were numbers. I, however, am not perfect. I’m a human being.” OK, everyone, listen to this priceless lesson. Living beings are never perfect. Inanimate objects are – test scores, computer systems, your car brakes. These are all quantifiable and, if they become imperfect, can be fixed to achieve perfection again. I want my computer and my car operating perfectly. I, however, am a living being and aim for progress, never perfection.

Perfection leads to paralysis. You’re so terrified about taking that first step (e.g. learning to cook a healthier dinner, joining a gym and taking that first class) and not doing it perfectly, that you don’t try at all. Or, you show up, and then spend all night castigating yourself for not performing perfectly. Enough of this perfection thing. Let me show you a better way.

In Week One of our journey, I described the Power Mind, something I developed when I wrote Body for Life for Women. The essence of the Power Mind is to embrace progress and to honor your own humanity. Activate your Power Mind and reject perfection as a way of ever referring to your life journey. When you look at pictures of women in magazines, don’t ever believe that they are perfect. Don’t use them as a goal to achieve. You’re looking at the results of hours of make-up applications, hair styling, and Adobe photo shopping. Believe me, I know. Being in front of the camera on TV and in photo shoots is an eye opening experience. I usually have to take a pressure hose to my face and hair when I’m done just to wash off the layers of war paint and hairspray. Then I peer into the mirror and see my freckles and the healthy glow on my cheeks once again. My freckles are not a flaw. They’re a piece of what makes me unique, memorable and human.

Webster’s likens progress “to a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal), advance; an expedition, journey; a gradual betterment.” Now we’re talking. This is about moving you forward through your life journey toward your positive goal of optimal health and wellness. This is a living, breathing dynamic journey that never ends until you do. Progress is about a lifelong process of living. You practice this every day of your life. Some days are hopping good while others are funky and thus you’re completely forgiven for hiding under your blankets never wanting to get up and face the day.

That’s where I developed my 80%-20% rule. Progress, not perfection, means that if you pay attention and work hard and keep your focus 80 percent of the time, you’re doing superbly well. The other 20 percent of the time, you get to be human. Are you in the midst of a hormonal tsunami and feel drained? No problem. Blow off your workout today and go home, chill out and watch a Law and Order marathon for heaven’s sake. Pick it up again tomorrow. Fell off the wagon and binged? Hey, nobody died. Stop beating yourself up. Don’t keep crying out “why did I do that?” Instead, see the lesson and make the connection (e.g. your mom visited and laid a heavy trip on you and you bolted for the fridge as soon as she left). That’s part of your humanly 20 percent. Regroup as soon as you can and keep pushing forward. And, next time mom shows up, you’ll be better prepared mentally to cope with her without self destructing.

Pound perfection out of your life and shoot for progress by practicing these simple exercises:

1. Replace “I aim for perfection,” with “I aim for progress”. Practice saying that throughout the day. Write it in your journal pages.

2. Instead of saying “I wasn’t perfect,” proclaim proudly “I did the best I could, given the constraints and restrictions of my life.” Your day starts with a 7 AM plane flight, goes straight through with meetings, and ends at 11 PM as you stumble through your hotel room door. Hey, so what if you didn’t see the gym or you ended up eating later than planned? It happens. Get over it and move on, regrouping as best you can the next day.

3. Substitute “but” with “and” when you’re describing your journey: “Yea, I’ve removed 20 pounds but I have another 20 pounds to go,” versus “Yes, I have indeed removed 20 pounds and I’m getting more fit and I’m just pushing forward to remove the rest of my weight and achieve my goals.” Wow, what a difference.

4. Celebrate every ounce of progress you make. Never diminish your smallest achievement. Clap your hands with delight about the fact that you now eat a healthy breakfast every morning instead of skipping it as you’ve done for years. Don’t wait for 50 pound weight drops to give yourself an “Atta girl/boy”. Honor every step of this journey.

5. Pound perfection out of your lifestyle habits. Perfectionism creeps into your work and personal life. Have fun with this. Go into your perfectly organized closet and stick a red shirt with your whites just to play with yourself. Don’t make up your bed until later in the day. Laugh with yourself about how rigid you can sometimes be. Lighten up and smile as you continue your quest for progress, not perfection.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fitness... you don't have to love it to do it!

“It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
#You DoNotHaveToLoveItToDoIt #FitnessProlongsLongevity #TrueStory #ItIsNeverTooLateToStart #MakeItLongLife #FindYourOwnFitnessFormula #NuYuRevolution

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Realize Your Awesomeness & Own It!

“If you can’t remember when you last basked in your own glow, you’re overdue.”
#LoveYourselfFirst #SeeYourBeauty #YourWorth #YourValue #YourAbility #YourSpecialTalents #YourPotential #NuYuRevolution

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pain Is Inevitable. Suffering Is Optional. ~Buddha

#DiscomfortAndPain #WorkThroughIt #DoNotLetItRuleYou #DefineIt #TakeAStepBack #LifeIsAWildRide #SeeTheGoodStuff #BreatheDeeply #LoveAndLight #NuYuRevolution

Monday, August 10, 2015

Gluten Free!!??

#TheSkinnyOnGlutenFreeDiets #NotHealthyForEveryone #GetInformed #BeKnowledgable #WorkoutForWeightLoss #DoNotStarveTheBodyOfValuableNutrients #Workout #NuYuRevolution

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Understanding Good Fats

#Avocados #GoodForTheBody #TheFatToLove #Satisfying #Nutritious #PowerfulAntioxidants #UnderstandYourFood #BeHealthy #NuYuRevolution

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." ~Amelia Earhart

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." -- Amelia Earhart
#KeepChallengingYourself #DoNotThrowInTheTowel #BeAwesome #RiseToEveryOccasion #FeelAlive #BeStrong #Mentally #Physically #NeverTooLate #NuYuRevolution

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Insights From Plus Sized Athletes!

#BeAdventurous #BeDifferent #BeYourself #BeHealthy #BeFit #YesYouCan #NuYuRevolution
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” 
― Marilyn Monroe

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Oh... The Ocean!

#LoveTheSea #Calm #InnerPeace #Relax #Breathe #Connection #Yourself #YourBody #Workout #NuYuRevolution

The Ocean is Good for Your Mind, Body and Soul...
We are connected to water from the onset of life. Until we take our first breath of air we are immersed in placenta fluid. New-born babies are 75 percent water and as we age we become drier to the tune of only 60 percent. Our brains, however, are still 75% water and our bones are at 31%. Our brains react to water in a positive manner because our ancient ancestors came out of the water and evolved from swimming to crawling to walking. Fetuses still have ‘gill-slit’ structures in their early stages of development and the water in our cells is comparable to that found in the sea, according to Wallace J. Nichols, a marine biologist and conservationist who lives near the central coast of California.

We’re connected to water from the onset of life. Babies’ bodies are 75 percent water. As we age, we become drier (only 60 percent) but our brains are still three-fourths water and even our bones are 31 percent water, and the water in our cells is comparable to that found in the sea.

This biological connection to water, Nichols told CBS News, triggers an immediate response in our brains. When you see or hear the ocean, he says, you know “you’re in the right place.”

The Ocean is Good for your Body
Saltwater is actually great for your hair and skin. Whenever I come back from the beach, my hair seems to have more volume, and it’s because of the salty water/air. I don’t wash my hair for about a week afterwards because it just looks great from the trip to the ocean. 

According to Wellness Mama sea salt spray is the second most used hair product used in her business, second only to ‘Dry Shampoo’. You can make your own for almost nothing, buy a product for about $25 or just go to the beach. It adds great texture and volume to hair without the chemicals. It works well for hair that is difficult to tame or to get to hold a curl. I would prefer to visit the beach personally because of the many other benefits.

Soaking in salt water also heals joints and muscles. The ocean heals small nicks, cuts and scrapes. The sand will exfoliate your skin and has a lasting effect for days.

The Ocean is Good for the Soul
Most of us know that feeling of calm we get when we are on, in or just near the water.

“This is what you want if you’re in the midst of a stressful week,” said Nichols, “You just want to hit that big blue reset button and get out here.”

Brain imagining indicates that proximity to water floods the brain with feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol actually drop. Scientists have also discovered that the brain prefers the color blue above all others and water increases our ability to focus.

“Our response to water is deep,” Nichols said. “It’s human, it’s about life and it’s about survival.”

In fact, our bodies consist of about 60 percent water and our brains, a whopping 75 percent.

“So when you see water, when you hear water, it triggers a response in your brain that you’re in the right place,” Nichols said.