Monday, September 29, 2014

#Fitness #DoingItRight #GoodForYou #DoingItWrong #BadForYou #JustDoItRight #NuYuRevolution
Biomechanically Sound Fitness; Correct Functional Performance While Strengthening & Conditioning…
There are a variety of factors that need to be considered when you exercise to make sure it's performed properly, safely and for maximum benefit. Some of these factors are common knowledge; warm up, cool down, correct technique, proper joint and muscle mechanics, amongst other variables, which all boil down to biomechanically sound form.
Building a Foundation With Exercise
The traditional form of exercise has many well-known benefits. It increases metabolism, encourages cellular metabolism, builds bone, joint and muscle strength and releases endorphins, along with countless other physical and mental affects. Many of us struggled with fitness for one reason or another and never developed a healthy relationship with exercise, while others have been active since an early age.
Whether we stuck with a routine or became sedentary when we were kids, where we could jump on a trampoline all day, climb trees and not even get a sore muscle, it is a completely different story now! Our backs are sore after a long day at work. Our knees may still ache from injuries in high school, our hips may bother us from merely sitting at a desk, and our whole bodies can suffer from simply wearing the wrong shoes. But then, we still expect our bodies’ to perform for us even though we abuse it… with poor exercise execution, weak posture, iffy nutrition and loads of stress.
So how do we return, or at least get closer, to those pain-free, efficiently blissful days? Mindful, consistent and biomechanically sound exercise is a good place to begin. The traditional form of exercise, the kind that we all think of when we think of breathing hard and sweating, moving till our muscles burn, does not always address our biomechanical imbalances or muscular weaknesses. In fact, often this type of exercise can exacerbate, or even create, weaknesses and/or injuries. Corrective exercises must be applied to address your issues, strengthening the weaker muscles, relieving the heavy load of the over-worked ones.
The customary forms of exercise will often not address postural awareness, and the proper use muscles necessary to achieve better form during workouts and in everyday life. In fact, as we force through unaddressed imbalances with thoughtless exercise, our bodies will compensate which can create new problems and injuries within our bodies. So once again, the strong muscles will accept the majority of the force and the inhibited ones will avoid it. The gap between the strong and weak muscles will widen, further ingraining compensations and issues with the body will continue to present themselves.
It is these imbalances that create instability in our bodies, uneven wear patterns in our joints, decreased proper functioning in our physical performance creating vulnerability to further injury. Typically biomechanically sound exercises have very low amounts of force involved so that the inhibited muscles will have a chance to recognize the resistance and respond.
Avoiding overstimulation that can force us to resort back into our injury prone compensatory patterns, by dialing it back a notch can create efficient movement and ensure better mechanics. Exercises with this thoughtful focus will help us be more aware of our bodies, how they move and how to maintain it in the best form possible, in and out of the gym. Knowledge is power in correcting our weaknesses and gaining strength throughout our lives, and will give us a better chance of preserving our temples; our bodies to go the distance.
In short, when choosing an exercise program to help resolve our physical limitations and attain our goals, whether it’s running a marathon or simply implementing ongoing fitness into our lives… biomechanical efficiency will affect our optimal performance and longevity.
Learning to use our mental power to join forces with our physical selves so that we can understand what goes where and why is a game changer in how we feel on any given day. Our mind, body and spirit working together, is the solution to many of our weakness. At NuYu Revolution you will learn to understand your weaknesses through awareness and knowledge, therein creating strength that will benefit your body for your lifetime.

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