Friday, December 5, 2014

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Correct Cycling Posture & The Spine
This may sound surprising, but a good number of pro cyclists suffer from low back pain despite consulting the most expensive and technologically advanced bike fit technology. Why doesn't it work? What many bike fit specialists fail to account for is the kinesiology of the spine which is influenced by the position of the pelvis. The saddle can be adjusted in any position, but if the rider has poor posture on the bike, lower back pain is inevitable. Bike fitters must inform cyclists that rounding the back must be avoided to prevent lower back pain. After learning why good posture is optimal, you'll understand why no amount of fine tuned adjustments will fix low back pain unless the rider's posture is also corrected.

I noticed that those who recommend rounding the back do this based on opinion rather than evidence. Some suggest that an "arched back" or flexed spine absorbs shock more efficiently and claimed that additional flexion caused by bumps is "harmless". There is also a claim that a straight back cannot absorb shock because it will "jam the vertebrae together." To Doctors, Kinesiologists Physical Therapists and well educated instructors, this is absolutely incorrect and exactly opposite to what is safe and effective for the spine.

The spine is intricate with soft intervertebral disks, fascia and musculature of the spine/ core which aid in shock absorption. Rounding the back places excessive stress on the soft intervertebral discs between the vertebrae and puts the rider at risk for herniation or bulging. Contrary to popular belief, good posture does not literally mean that the spine is a straight stack of disks- it just appears to look like that.

When you maintain good posture, there are two types of normal curves in the spine, lordosis and kyphosis. When the spine has a healthy amount of these curves, it is better able to take on the forces of gravity, additional weight, absorb shock from the ground. Reducing or sharpening any of the curves of the spine compromises its ability to absorb shock. When you look at the function of every intricate muscle of the spine, you'll find that the actual purpose of these muscles is to prevent the spine from losing these curves. In fact, a study has already identified that repetitive flexion or "arching" of the back is a mechanism that may lead to herniation of the intervertebral disks. This means that poor cycling posture, creates the risk of herniation, and long term damage to sound postural strength.

Exercises where a neutral spine is necessary, like squats weight lifting, body conditioning, yoga and Pilates total body exercises essential to compliment a cycling program. If these exercises are performed with an arched back, an eventual injury is guaranteed- the spine must be in neutral!

When the spine is in neutral during both of these exercises, the length of the gluteus maximus is optimized. This allows the glutes to activate and extend the hips to bring the weight back up. In an opposite scenario, if the pelvis is tilted back with the spine out of neutral (arched back), the glutes shorten and cannot contribute as much to the movement. As a result of reduced activation from the glutes, the muscles and joints above and below the pelvis (lumbar spine & knees) will have to compensate by working harder.

The position of the saddle is the easiest variable to change which can make an instant difference (good or bad) on performance, posture, and comfort. A saddle with its nose tilted down 10-15 degrees will give the pelvis enough room to tilt forward and allow the lumbar spine to move from flexion to slight extension. Sure, the same effect can be done by consciously tilting the pelvis anteriorly on a perfectly level or nose up saddle, but excessive stress will be placed on the arteries forward of the ischial tuberosities (sit bones). Tilting the nose down also helps because it will be easier to maintain good posture without conscious effort.

While saddle angle is important, seat height can also have an effect on the lumbar spine. Individuals with poor hamstring flexibility will have a flexed or rounded back if the seat is set too high. The seat should be set at a height which will not cause the pelvis to tilt posteriorly. If the seat must be set lower than optimal to prevent damage to the lumbar spine, work on mobility and flexibility exercises for the hamstrings. As mobility and flexibility improves, continue to raise the saddle little by little. A saddle height which is too low will place greater compressive forces on the knee (risk of damage to the knee increases) so work hard to improve flexibility and mobility quickly. Good hamstring flexibility will save both the knees and the lumbar spine from damage.

Tight hamstrings and a weak core and back are usually a problem when it comes to poor cycling posture. Tight hamstrings will cause the pelvis to posteriorly tilt, forcing the disks of the lumbar spine into flexion. The solution to this problem is easy to say, but hard to do... one must stretch often.

The optimal posture for cycling is a neutral "straight" back that allows the spine to remain in neutral. A neutral spine absorbs shock more efficiently and allows the muscles of the core to activate fully which will strengthen them dramatically. In no way has a rounded back been shown to be either safe or optimal for performance. In fact, a flexed or rounded back may cause intervertebral disk herniation or bulging. A study done by a spine biomechanics professor showed that a rounded back is actually a risk factor for lower back pain. Too many cyclists and bike fitters are misinformed and it's a big reason why lower back pain is one of the most common overuse injuries. Riders need to know what correct riding posture is in order to keep lumbar spine in neutral, and build weakness into strengths.

A cyclist who has excellent cycling posture is the one to watch. Notice how they maintain a neutral spine in a seated and aero position.They can safely achieve this position without compromising the lower back. Maintaining good flexibility is a way to keep the hamstrings from shortening. It also helps to shift past the saddle to give room for his pelvis to anteriorly tilt and keep the spine in neutral.

By including hamstring flexibility exercise into your program, you can mirror watch your posture and correct it further strengthening your weaknesses. The body was built to grow strong, so give it the time and focus necessary to get stronger in a wise productive way!

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