Tuesday, October 7, 2014

HAPPY IS RIGHT ABOVE EXERCISE... #Happy #Healthy #QualityOfLife #Exercise #NuYuRevolution

An Exercise Commitment Is A Natural Anti-Depressant

Some days (more often than not), you just don’t want to workout. You’re tired. You’re grumpy. You just don't like it. When the last thing you want to do is to go to the gym, GO ANYWAY!

While there’s a difference between blue days and being clinically depressed, the symptoms are almost identical. Studies show that 17% of the American population will suffer depressive bouts at one time or another.

Fitness is not an end-all be-all solution to every depression or anxiety mental health issue. But there are proven facts that exercise can help ease those symptoms as effectively as medication.

In a medical trial held, 70% of patients put on exercise as treatment for their mental health found a significant reduction in their symptoms. 60% of those patients who went into remission had the same results as those put on meds 16 weeks later. In other words, meds work, but so does exercise.

Depression is a complex disease, but what it boils down to is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Fitness helps bring back that balance. It releases chemicals in our brains that make us feel good (neurotransmitters and, like serotonin, and endorphins), it reduces immune system chemicals that make depression worse, and it calms us by increasing our body temperature.

To ease the intensity of the struggles in everyday life, you have to maintain brain balance. It’s not a one time fix. It takes dedication and drive. (Which is something you may feel like you don’t have if you’re depressed.) Nevertheless, it doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. It just needs to become a habit.


1. Set A Schedule, that's NON-NEGOTIABLE unless you have a fever...

Putting your day on autopilot helps you get things done without thinking. After all, thinking about things is what leads us to procrastination. Establishing a daily routine that involves fitness will make it second nature and, therefore, something that your mind and body expect to do.

2. Don’t Think About It, just go through the motions, like brushing your teeth...

Thinking about a task that we really aren’t in the mood for makes it all the more difficult to follow through. Don’t think about what you are going to do. Don’t think about how difficult you think it’s going to be. DO think about spending a few minutes to make yourself feel a little better. And DO think about how fast the time will go.

3. Lose yourself...

Get lost in your exercise. Feel your body moving through the motions and listen to the positive feedback. Think only about what you are doing right at that moment and how positive the act of fitness is. Let your old inner voices desperate attempt to stop you from working out have no power over your fitness promise. Fitness will keep you more youthful and happy.

4. Learn To Love New Tunes...

The pace of the music you listen to affects your mood and your movement. Research shows that when the brain processes musical pulses, the motor areas in the brain are recruited as well; indicating a connection between music and movement. Find upbeat music that you can enjoy during your workout.

5. Focus On The After-Effects...

As humans, we are driven to do what makes us feel good. Focus on the feelings coursing through you after a workout and make that the focal point of your day. Most are smiling from endorphins after their exercise.

Whether you like aerobic or non-aerobic exercises, the good news is they both work well to help reduce and ease your mental health symptoms after a few weeks of working out. Be consistent and you’ll peak atop your own mountain of emotions.

Photo: HAPPY IS RIGHT ABOVE EXERCISE... #Happy #Healthy #QualityOfLife #Exercise #NuYuRevolution

 An Exercise Commitment Is A Natural Anti-Depressant 

Some days (more often than not), you just don’t want to workout. You’re tired. You’re grumpy. You just don't like it. When the last thing you want to do is to go to the gym, GO ANYWAY!

While there’s a difference between blue days and being clinically depressed, the symptoms are almost identical. Studies show that 17% of the American population will suffer depressive bouts at one time or another.

Fitness is not an end-all be-all solution to every depression or anxiety mental health issue. But there are proven facts that exercise can help ease those symptoms as effectively as medication.

In a medical trial held, 70% of patients put on exercise as treatment for their mental health found a significant reduction in their symptoms. 60% of those patients who went into remission had the same results as those put on meds 16 weeks later. In other words, meds work, but so does exercise.

Depression is a complex disease, but what it boils down to is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Fitness helps bring back that balance. It releases chemicals in our brains that make us feel good (neurotransmitters and, like serotonin, and endorphins), it reduces immune system chemicals that make depression worse, and it calms us by increasing our body temperature.

To ease the intensity of the struggles in everyday life, you have to maintain brain balance. It’s not a one time fix. It takes dedication and drive. (Which is something you may feel like you don’t have if you’re depressed.) Nevertheless, it doesn’t have to be as hard as it sounds. It just needs to become a habit.


1. Set A Schedule, that's NON-NEGOTIABLE unless you have a fever...

Putting your day on autopilot helps you get things done without thinking. After all, thinking about things is what leads us to procrastination. Establishing a daily routine that involves fitness will make it second nature and, therefore, something that your mind and body expect to do.

2. Don’t Think About It, just go through the motions, like brushing your teeth...

Thinking about a task that we really aren’t in the mood for makes it all the more difficult to follow through. Don’t think about what you are going to do. Don’t think about how difficult you think it’s going to be. DO think about spending a few minutes to make yourself feel a little better. And DO think about how fast the time will go.

3. Lose yourself...

Get lost in your exercise. Feel your body moving through the motions and listen to the positive feedback. Think only about what you are doing right at that moment and how positive the act of fitness is. Let your old inner voices desperate attempt to stop you from working out have no power over your fitness promise. Fitness will keep you more youthful and happy.

4. Learn To Love New Tunes...

The pace of the music you listen to affects your mood and your movement. Research shows that when the brain processes musical pulses, the motor areas in the brain are recruited as well; indicating a connection between music and movement. Find upbeat music that  you can enjoy during your workout.

5. Focus On The After-Effects...  

As humans, we are driven to do what makes us feel good. Focus on the feelings coursing through you after a workout and make that the focal point of your day. Most are smiling from endorphins after their exercise.

Whether you like aerobic or non-aerobic exercises, the good news is they both work well to help reduce and ease your mental health symptoms after a few weeks of working out. Be consistent and you’ll peak atop your own mountain of emotions.

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