Monday, March 17, 2014

Oh My Fitness Guru,
I am having trouble getting to the gym. It’s cold, I’m tired, and I don't feel strong, or motivated right now. I pretend that I don’t notice it’s happening but there is a conversation going on in my head. I’m telling myself it is okay to skip my workout. I know that I give the voice that stops me too much power sometimes. Even though I, like everyone else have hurdles to jump over to make fit happen ... I know that I can do it, and when I don't, I’m just choosing not to. I want to feel and look as young as I can for as long as I can! I have to work out to have the life I want, so please help me get to the gym and not let opting out of my plan to be fit be an option!

"Oh My Fitness Guru, give me strength."

Struggling Athlete